FMC Modules

Compact Universal Timing Endpoint Based on White Rabbit with Artix7 - Cute-WR-A7

The Cute-WR-A7 is the enhanced version of the CUTE-WR-DP with an Xilinx Artix7 series FPGA

FMC ADC 100M 14b 4cha

The FmcAdc100M14b4cha is a 4 channel 100MSPS 14 bit ADC card in FMC (FPGA Mezzanine Card) format

FMC ADC 130M 16b 4cha

One of the most important goals in every light source is to achieve orbit stability for the electron beam within the required specifications for the stability of the photon beam in the experimental stations

FMC ADC 250M 12b 2cha

This project is on hold*

FMC ADC 250M 16b 4cha

This project concerns the development of an ADC card in FMC (VITA 57) format


FMC ADC 2M 18b 2ch DAC 500k 20b 1ch

The B-Train integrator is a 2 differential channel 2MSPS 18 bit ADC AD7986 card in FMC (FPGA Mezzanine Card) format

FMC ADC 500M 14b 4cha

The FMC ADC 500M 14b 4CHA is a 4-channel 500 MSPS 14 bit ADC card in FMC (FPGA Mezzanine Card, VITA 57.1) format using a High Pin-Count (HPC) connector

FMC ADC subsamp 125M 14b 4cha

The fmc-adc-subsamp125m14b4cha is a 4 channel 125MSPS 14 bit ADC low pin count FPGA Mezzanine Card (VITA 57)