
White Rabbit Switch

WR Switch Software v4.1

The release includes support for the new motherboard (a.k.a. scb). It include SDB support for hardware identification, an update procedure that can replace the boot loader, better code in the web server and

Furnarius Rufus PCB Milling Machine

FR PCB Milling Machine V1.0 Released

We would like to invite all interested in open hardware to help us build a community of users, makers, and developers around an Open Source Printed Circuit Board prototyping machine.

USB ADC 2k 12b 4ch DAC 2k 10b 2ch dio 8ch

Documentation files

We have set-up a wiki page describing the 3 different versions of hardware, and we have uploaded the necessary files (schematics, assembly drawing, BOM, and GerberX) for the OEM PCB version.

USB ADC 2k 12b 4ch DAC 2k 10b 2ch dio 8ch

Initial set-up

We have set-up the first page of the wiki as well as the overview page. The actual device is completed, and prototypes are available.

White Rabbit

15-09-2014: WR part of NI's long-term strategy

Jim Truchard, president, CEO and cofounder of National Instruments said in his keynote speech at NI week: Technology from advanced-physics research institute CERN will form part of National Instruments’ long-term strategy to improve the ability of distributed systems to support real-time control.

White Rabbit

04-09-2014: Job offer at GSI

GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH GSI is a heavy ion research center. The laboratory performs basic and applied research in physics and related natural science disciplines using a large, in many aspects worldwide unique particle accelerator facility.

White Rabbit

28-08-2014: VSL sends out Press Release

Researchers of the National Measurement Institute VSL in Delft and the VU University Amsterdam managed to synchronise a clock of the Nikhef, the National Institute for Subatomic Physics, in Amsterdam with the atomic clock of VSL in Delft.

White Rabbit Switch

WR Switch firmware v4.0.1 (hotfix for v4.0) is out

Unfortunately we found out after the v4.0 release that there is a bug in the SoftPLL module that causes problems with synchronizing some boards to the switch in a free-running mode.

White Rabbit

13-08-2014: WR Calibration Procedure v1.0 is out

After publishing two drafts for comments, we’re now happy to announce that v1.0 of the “White Rabbit calibration procedure” document is available on OHWR. You can download it from the Documents section of the main White Rabbit project page.