
White Rabbit Switch

wr-switch-sw-v3.1 is released

This is a bug fix release over v3.0, which was not really stable after a few days of uptime (and back then we didn’t have time to test it). The installation script is simplified, error management is better, must


It looks like we have boards.

After a little bit of a struggle, due to the digital potentiometers being shipped in a different package than was designed, we now appear to have boards. I will be seeing Sanjee next week to check things out.

White Rabbit

Workshop 27-28 November Madrid

The 7th White Rabbit workshop will be held in Madrid on 27 and 28 November 2012. Anyone interested can register, there are no costs involved.

White Rabbit

WR @ ISPCS2012

ISPCS2012 conference is the PTP conference. Since WR extends PTP, it is very important for the project. At the conference, WR was very visible thanks to as many as 3 WR-related papers which were presented and our participation in the PlugFest.

White Rabbit

3-10-2012: White Rabbit studies for Spanish accelerator

After an extensive study, White Rabbit has been chosen as the most promising option for the synchronization network at ESS Bilbao, a light ion linear accelerator. Therefore, first SPEC to SPEC tests have been performed.

White Rabbit

2-10-12: White Rabbit in Tibet?

LHAASO, the Large High Altitude Air Shower Observation project will be deploying 10,000 detectors over 1 square km in Tibet. The LHAASO project has passed the technical review on the WR timing distribution plan that consists of 4 layers of WR switches (461 in total) covering the 6880 nodes of the Square Kilometer Array (KM2A).

White Rabbit Node

The White Rabbit PTP Core v2.0 release is out

The release is indicated with wrpc-v2.0 git tag inside wr-cores and wrpc-sw repositories. With the release we provide: documentation on how to build and run the core, complete source code tarball with compiled documentation included and the binaries ready to be downloaded into the FPGA.

White Rabbit Switch

wr-switch-sw-v3.0 is released

This release is the work of myself, Federico Vaga, Benoit Rat and Tomasz Wlostowski, in no particular order (and with contributions by others). The HDL code in the switch it mainly by Tomasz Wlostowski but

White Rabbit Switch

release candidate 3 of wr-switch-sw

The complete software support for the switch is almost ready. Several switches are operational in production. The official release is expected to happen in a few days, after we compete the review/update