
FMC DEL 1ns 4cha

02-09-2011: V2 works

The just-arrived V2 prototype was confirmed to work with the new VHDL firmware on a SPEC card. See Measurements for details.

FMC DEL 1ns 4cha

31-08-2011: Received V2 boards

We received assembled prototypes of V2 of the fine delay module. The firmware for the Fine delay module on a SPEC card is being developed and should be ready for demonstration in around two weeks time.

Simple PCIe FMC carrier SPEC

26-08-2011: Absolutely ready for production!

The modification for a better mechanical fit has been made and halogen-PCBs will be ordered to start the first series production of SPEC boards. A serious piece of automated test software has been made that will check all soldered connections on the board and that will measure the different supply voltages.

FMC Carrier tester

24-08-2011: 5 production test cards working

Five of the FMC carrier tester cards are working. Two of them will be sent to the company that will produce the Simple PCI express carrier.

Simple PCIe FMC carrier SPEC

22-08-2011: V3 ready, let's go for V4!

The V3 of the design was ready for production on 22 July. We’d like to produce 70 of those cards of this version, apart from the fact that a user at GSI just found a mechanical problem that could appear with a certain combination of SFP plugin and PC type.

VXS DSP FMC carrier

02-08-2011 VXS-DSP-FMC Carrier V1 Prototype fab. launched

The PCB layout of the VXS-DSP-FMC Carrier V1 prototype (EDMS: EDA-02281-V1.0) has been finished on July 21th 2011. The layout process had been started march 18th 2011 but was initially found to be unroutable due to excessive real-estate usage.

Simple PCIe FMC carrier SPEC

01-07-2011: V2 boards tested

Three V2 boards have been received. One has already passed the full production suite, two others have only received a very short test (and passed). This means that this version can be used to start a series production.

FMC Carrier tester

01-06-2011: design files verified, can start production

The schematics and PCB design files have been verified by CERN’s design office. We will produce soon 12 cards. The FMC carrier tester will be used for the production tests of the SPEC FMC carrier.

Simple PCIe FMC carrier SPEC

31-05-2011: Production test software working

For the production of the SPEC cards specific production software has been written and demonstrated. This software provides a simple go/no-go interface with logging facilities to easily find production errors. The software is written in Python and uses a CERN-written test environment called Bakara.