White Rabbit
20-4-2010 - 9 rolls of fibre received at CERN
We have received five rolls of 10 km and four rolls of 5 km single mode fibre with LC connectors on them. These can be used for the testing of long White Rabbit links.
FMC ADC 100M 14b 4cha
06-04-2010 Production will start.
Twelve PCBs are ordered. Three will be mounted for prototyping. Components are ordered for ten.
FMC ADC 100M 14b 4cha
24-03-2010 PCB layout review held
A very useful review (Review24032010) has been held that introduced several improvements. Overall the layout was already fine and would have given a working board. Certain of the suggested changes will make the layout better, likely improving SNR and EMC features.
FMC ADC 100M 14b 4cha
19-03-2010 PCB layout done. Review planned
PCB review planned for 24 March 2010.
White Rabbit
MCH v2 working
Version 2 of the White Rabbit switch uplink port card is back from production. Tomek has successfully tested two units and he will now proceed to organize the production of ~10 more.
FMC ADC 100M 14b 4cha
2-03-2010 Schematics review held
The schematics review (Review02032010) revealed some serious problems and signalled other issues that will make the design more robust. Other comments will make that the documentation will be improved. The changes will be implemented before finalising the PCB layout.
FMC ADC 100M 14b 4cha
24-02-2010 Draft PCB layout done. Review planned
Draft PCB layout done. Design document being written. Design review planned for 2 March. See documents here.
FMC ADC 100M 14b 4cha
10-02-2010 New Design made
New design made with 3 input ranges and programmable offset. Need to finalise local clock circuit before PCB layout can start.
FMC ADC 100M 14b 4cha
2-12-2009 Project on hold
SNR level too high with PGA. User need is to have programmable offset instead of programmable gain (S. Deghaye).