DCES in CERN Bulletin
The article “Of data and dust” was published in the CERN Bulletin. This article gives a refreshing overview of the project, why and how it was developed it in the CERN IT department.
White Rabbit
Workshop 14-16 March in Amsterdam
The Ninth White Rabbit Workshop will be held in Amsterdam from 14 to 16 March 2016 and is organized by NIKHEF. If you’re interested in meeting the developers and users, please find everything about it on the Ninth White Rabbit Workshop page.
White Rabbit Node
White Rabbit PTP Core v3.0 release is out
We are happy to announce the new v3.0 stable release of the WR PTP Core. It comes with new features and stability improvements. As usual, you can find all the links to download the binaries, sources and manuals on our release wiki page.
White Rabbit
15-12-15: Pickin’ up good vibrations in CERN Bulletin
In preparation for the civil engineering work on the HL-LHC at CERN, vibration measurements were carried out at the LHC’s Point 1 last month. These measurements help evaluate how civil engineering work could impact the beam, and will provide crucial details about the site’s geological make-up before construction begins.
White Rabbit
07-12-2015: WR in deep sea: 3500m depth, 100km off coast
On 3 December 2015 a first line with 18 Digital Optical Modules, each one containing a White Rabbit PTP Core - WRPC, was deployed successfully and communicated over 100 Km of fiber with the shore station.
GBT-based Expandable Front-End GEFE
The GEFE project @ BI Technical Board (03/12/15)
The results of the first test performed to the GEFE v1 as well as the status and outlook of the GEFE project have been presented during the BI Technical Board meeting on the 03/12/15 at CERN
GBT-based Expandable Front-End GEFE
The GEFE project @ TWEPP15 (from 28/09/15 to 02/10/15)
A poster of the GEFE project has been displayed during the Topical Workshop on Electronics for Particle Physics (TWEPP) 2015, held at Lisbon from 28/09/15 to 02/10/15. The poster can be downloaded from the “DOCUMENTS” section of this site.
White Rabbit
12-11-2015: WR used in seismic measurements
CERN is trying to decide whether they can start Civil Engineering for the Hi-Luminosity project while the beam is on. The alignment of magnets is very delicate in the LHC and very slight variations thereof can produce beam instabilities.