Data centre environmental sensor - Dust, Temperature, Relative Humidity, Fan - Serial 1 channel - version 1.
An environmental sensor for Data Centers that continuously measures
airborne particle density in high airflow as well as temperature and
relative humidity.
It can control its fan speed if needed (PWM controlled fans) and
monitors FAN rotational speed (tachometer equipped fans) for precise
airflow control and monitoring.
The device is close to maintenance free and can be integrated in compact
enclosures (for example tape drive tray or even an ATX PSU
dces-dtrhf-ser1ch-v1 production board in drive tray connected to a
Raspberry Pi 2*
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DCES at CHEP 2016
DCES will be presented in at CHEP 2016 in San Francisco during the poster session. https://dces.web.cern.ch/DCES/assets/Poster-CHEP2016_s.png
DCES in CERN Bulletin
The article “Of data and dust” was published in the CERN Bulletin. This article gives a refreshing overview of the project, why and how it was developed it in the CERN IT department.