
FSI DIOT Photodetection module 8ch

The DIOT-FSI-DET-8CH is a Frequency Scanning Interferometry (FSI) photodetection module with 8 channels and DI/OT form factor (Compact PCI Serial standard connector)

Furnarius Rufus PCB Milling Machine

The Furnarius Rufus PCB Milling Machine is a ‘CNC": instrument capable of making printed circuit board tracks that are used in electronic hardware


F*watch is a fully open electronic watch project featuring an integrated GPS receiver.**
The development started at CERN as an after-work project to make a special present for a retiring colleague who likes hiking and timing

GBT-based Expandable Front-End GEFE

The Giga Bit Transceiver based Expandable Front-End (GEFE)* is a multi-purpose FPGA-based radiation tolerant card, produced under the CERN Open Hardware License (CERN OHL)

Generic I²C-Reconfigurable Active PatcH GIRAPH

The GIRAPH is an active 19" patch panel that provides robust 5V TTL IOs for FPGA boards

Handheld measurement terminal

Sensorbox is handheld measurement terminal with embedded GPRS connenctivity


The second prototype of the HiCCE project

High Performance MTCA.4 White Rabbit Receiver

The HP WR Timing Receiver is composed by two MTCA eRTM (Rear Transition Module) modules:

  • Digital board (WR node), sitting in the slot 14

HPSEC - High Precision Slaved External Clock

The aim of this project is to upgrade the performance of White Rabbit devices to a level suitable for the Metrology purposes by interfacing the White Rabbit devices to a high precision, ultra stable 10 MHz Oven Controlled Crystal Oscillator (OCXO)