
Hydra - a radiation-tolerant SoC

HydRA, acronym of Hydra-like Resilient Architecture, is a radiation-tolerant SoC designed to operate up to 500 Gy TID


LUVI is a robust handheld Low UV Intensity meter meant for people with a highly sensitive skin to check if they are in a UV-free environment



High-resolution frequency/phase-microstepper for timing laboratories


By push the fibre-optic SFP connector to its carrier board, Mini-WR makes itself the SMALLEST White Rabbit Node implementation and gives flexibility for connector/panel arrangement on the carrier board

Mock Turtle

Mock Turtle is a framework to develop embedded systems using FPGAs

MRPC 25x18 24strip

The Multigap RPC is a high precision timing and tracking detector with an active area of 25.6cm x 18.2cm and readout with 24 strips

Multi-channel Time Interval Counter and fine delay generator

The goal of the project is to create a high-resolution TDC and fine delay generator using only open source software and hardware

OPT-ADC-10k-32b-1cha HPM7177

The OPT ADC 10k 32b 1cha is a single channel 10kSPS 32 bit ADC card in the format defined by the CERN TE-EPC group for use with the Function Generator Controller (FGC 3.2)

Optical Clock and Data Recovery FMC

An FPGA Mezzanine Card (FMC) for clock & data recovery (CDR) from optical sources has been developed at CERN