

Simple VME FMC Carrier 7 - SVEC7

The FMC VME Carrier is an FMC carrier in VME64x format that can hold two FMC cards and an SFP connector

Simple VME FMC Carrier SVEC

The FMC VME Carrier is an FMC carrier in VME64x format that can hold two FMC cards and an SFP connector


SIS1160 PCI-L IO add on

The sis1160-pci-io is a front-end PCI board with LEMO connectors to interface with the GPIO interconnect pins (J70) of the SIS1160 FMC carrier, which is a commercial PCIe FMC carrier provided by Struck Innovative Systeme (SIS)

SoC Course with Reference Designs

Introductory SoC course with reference designs based on the Xilinx Vitis Unified Software Development Platform and targeted to the Xilinx Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC


soft-cpu toolchains

On the Open Hardware Repository you can find projects which use soft-cpu

Software for White Rabbit PTP Core

White Rabbit PTP Core(WRPC) Software runs on a Lattice Mico 32 soft-core processor implemented as part of WRPC Gateware


This is the same card as the SPEC FMC carrier where a larger FPGA is used. This larger version is notably required when one needs White Rabbit support with the FMCADC100M ADC mezzanine card


The FMC PCIe Carrier called SPEC7 is an FMC carrier that can hold one FMC card and an SFP connector.
This board uses a Xilinx Zynq FPGA with Dual-Core ARM processor integrated and is optimised for low jitter and cost and is usable with most of the FMC cards designed within the OHR project (e.g


The TiCkS board is an FMC carrier based on the SPEC