

White Rabbit Compliance Tests

This project hosts compliance tests dedicated for WR devices


White Rabbit Fixed Point Calculations

This project focuses on performing, with high precision, the WR PTP calculations in fixed-point arithmetic


White Rabbit Node

WR Core Collection is a VHDL library containing the VHDL modules commonly used in White Rabbit ecosystem


White Rabbit Switch

This page hosts all CERN stable firmware releases for the WR switch, the main component of the White Rabbit project

White Rabbit Switch - Gateware

Figure 1 shows the internals of the WR Switch HDL design

White Rabbit Switch - Hardware v3

White Rabbit Switch is an open hardware design of an 18-ports Ethernet switch licensed under CERN OHL 1.2

White Rabbit Switch - Hardware V4

This project describes the development of the hardware of the White Rabbit Switch version 4 (WRS-v4)

White Rabbit Trigger Distribution

White Rabbit Trigger Distribution (WRTD) is a generic framework for distributing triggers (events) between Nodes over a White Rabbit network

WRS Fan-less hardware

The White Rabbit Switch is the central element of a White Rabbit network and was designed as a part of the White Rabbit project