
AMC FMC Carrier Kintex Ultrascale AFCKU

The AMC FMC carrier is partially based on SPEC (supply, WR clocks) design

ARRAY - Hardware

A system to characterise large area silicon pad sensors with several hundred channels

Artix Trivial FMC Carrier ATFC

Simple low cost, low complexity FPGA carrier board with FMC LPC connector based around a Xilinx Artix-7


BabyWR is being developed as a cost effective and small pluggable WR node

Beam Position Monitor

The Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory (LNLS) is currently designing a third-generation 3 GeV low emmitance synchrotron light source in Campinas, Brazil, called Sirius, with commissioning due to 2018

Beam Positoning Monitor - RF Front-End

The RFE electronics is the analog processing part of the BPM electronics system designed by the LNLS Beam Diagnostics Group for the Sirius synchrotron accelerator


CERN ELMB (Embedded Local Monitoring Board) is a multi-function device that is focused on providing analog inputs/outputs, digital inputs/outputs, SPI connectivity and custom functionality, being controlled by CANbus


ELMB2 is an analog/digital I/O module with CANbus interface. They are used in various CERN installations in control and monitoring of equipment


CITY - CarrIer for RFoWR-based Timing sYstems

This card can be used to distribute RF signals over a White Rabbit network