
DIOT non-rad-tol

The DI/OT System Board is one of the main components of the Distributed I/O Tier project ecosystem

DIOT Peripheral Board Loop-back

Simple DI/OT Peripheral Board Loop-back to test all connections of DI/OT System Boards during production screening and other reliability tests

DIOT rad-tol

The DI/OT System Board is one of the main components of the Distributed I/O Tier project ecosystem


Distributed Direct Digital Synthesis over White Rabbit D3S

This project aims at distributing periodic (mainly clock) signals of arbitrary frequencies over a White Rabbit network

Dual AMC Carrier

It is low cost, stand alone AMC carrier for 2 modules + optionally, Rear Transition Modules


Project Website EEZ PSU H24005 front view EEZ PSU H24005 rear view Contact Javier Serrano


The EMC2-DP is a PCIe/104 OneBank Carrier for a Trenz compatible SoC Module and has expansion for a VITA57.1 FMC LPC I/O board and also has I/O pins, using a 100-way Samtec RazorBeam connectors system


Euro ADC 65M 14b 40cha PUMA

PUMA (Plataforma Utilizada para el Muestreo de Arapuca) is a multi-channel digitizer designed to instrument the photon detection system for the DUNE Photon Detection System