Simple VME FMC Carrier 7 - SVEC7
The FMC VME Carrier is an FMC carrier in VME64x format that can hold two FMC cards and an SFP connector. It’s an evolution of the SVEC, but using a 7-Series FPGA (Kintex-7) and providing one HPC and one LPC connector with extra gigabit links to the one of the FMC slots. This board is optimised for cost and will be usable with most of the FMC cards designed within the OHR project (e.g. FMC ADC, Fine Delay, TDC, DIO, DDS).
SVEC V1 production board - block diagram
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White Rabbit Node
WR Core Collection is a VHDL library containing the VHDL modules commonly used in White Rabbit ecosystem