VME FMC Carrier - VFC-HD
The VFC-HD is an Intel Arria V based VME64x carrier for one High Pin Count (HPC) FPGA Mezzanine Card (FMC, VITA 57). It is has six SFP+ transceivers compatible with support for rad-hard GBT links, CERN Beam Synchronous Timing (BST), White Rabbit and Ethernet.
The card has been developed by the Beam Instrumentation (BI) group at CERN as a general purpose digital acquisition card. It replaces the VFC, which is no longer under development by BI.
The VFC-HS is an upgraded version to support a FMC+ mezzanine with 10Gbps lanes.
Parent Projects
White Rabbit Node
WR Core Collection is a VHDL library containing the VHDL modules commonly used in White Rabbit ecosystem