White Rabbit
White Rabbit provides sub-nanosecond accuracy and picoseconds
precision of synchronization for large distributed systems. It also
allows for deterministic and reliable data delivery.
White Rabbit allows you to precision time-tag measured data and lets
you trigger data taking in large installations while at the same time
using the same network to transmit data.
- sub-nanosecond synchronization
- connecting thousands of nodes
- typical distances of 10 km between nodes
- Ethernet-based gigabit rate reliable data transfer
- fully open hardware, firmware and software
- multi-vendor commercially produced hardware
Related Projects
10G White Rabbit Network Interface Core
A WR compliant Network Interface Core (WR-NIC) for 1G and 10G Ethernet communication
Distributed Direct Digital Synthesis over White Rabbit D3S
This project aims at distributing periodic (mainly clock) signals of arbitrary frequencies over a White Rabbit network
Mock Turtle
Mock Turtle is a framework to develop embedded systems using FPGAs
RF over Ethernet - a protocol
The aim of this project is to create a Radio over Ethernet (RoE) protocol, which supports the transmission of Radio Frequency (RF) signals via an Ethernet network that can meet the stringent requirements of particle accelerators
soft-cpu toolchains
On the Open Hardware Repository you can find projects which use soft-cpu

White Rabbit Calibration
These pages provide information on the calibration of White Rabbit devices
White Rabbit Fixed Point Calculations
This project focuses on performing, with high precision, the WR PTP calculations in fixed-point arithmetic
White Rabbit Node
WR Core Collection is a VHDL library containing the VHDL modules commonly used in White Rabbit ecosystem
White Rabbit Switch
This page hosts all CERN stable firmware releases for the WR switch, the main component of the [White Rabbit](https://www.ohwr.org/project/white-rabbit) project

White Rabbit Trigger Distribution
White Rabbit Trigger Distribution (WRTD) is a generic framework for distributing triggers (events) between Nodes over a White Rabbit network
Latest News
Job vacancy at CERN to work on White Rabbit and RF
We have an open position at CERN to work for 2-3 years on the evolution of the eRTM board. It is a WR node whose jitter (integrated between 100Hz and 20MHz) is less than 100 femtoseconds, the most precise WR node I know of, originally designed by Mattia Rizzi and Tomasz WÅ‚ostowski.
04-02-2019: Job vacancy at GSI
GSI has opened a vacancy for a job that that is about GSI’s new White Rabbit based timing system: Embedded Systems Developer (m/f), B.Sc., M.Sc. or Diploma in Electronics, Computer-Science or equivalent
04-02-2019: Job vacancy at GSI
GSI has opened a vacancy for a job that that is about GSI’s new White Rabbit based timing system: Embedded Systems Developer (m/f), B.Sc., M.Sc. or Diploma in Electronics, Computer-Science or equivalent