White Rabbit Switch - Hardware v3

White Rabbit Switch is an open hardware design of an 18-ports Ethernet switch licensed under CERN OHL 1.2. It is a central element of a White Rabbit network and was designed as a part of the White Rabbit project.
The WR Switch can be used with official firmware releases. As the design is open it can also be used as the hardware platform for other, non-White Rabbit projects.

Figure 1: WR Switch v3.4

Figure 2: WR Switch v3.4: Front view, FMC connectors

Figure 3: WR Switch v3.3 back view

WR Switch hardware consists of three elements:

  • WR Switch Box (fig. 1) - is a white metal 19’’ 1U case with two cooling fans in the back
  • main PCB (fig. 4) - contains main electronics components, ARM processor, Xilinx FPGA chip, oscillators, memories, etc.
  • backplane PCB (fig. 4) - electrical connections to 18 SFP cages, debug USB-uart ports, LEDs, etc.

Figure 4: WR Switch v3.3 top view of PCBs


José Gabriel Ramírez

Parent Projects

White Rabbit Switch

This page hosts all CERN stable firmware releases for the WR switch, the main component of the [White Rabbit](https://www.ohwr.org/project/white-rabbit) project

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