White Rabbit Switch - Hardware V4
This project describes the development of the hardware of the White Rabbit Switch version 4 (WRS-v4). It is to be release under CERN-OHL-W v2 license.
The White Rabbit Switch is an open hardware design of an Ethernet switch. It is a central element of a White Rabbit network and is designed as a part of the White Rabbit project.
Parent Projects
White Rabbit Switch
This page hosts all CERN stable firmware releases for the WR switch, the main component of the [White Rabbit](https://www.ohwr.org/project/white-rabbit) project
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Resource Evaluation of WR switch HDL for Ultrascale Plus
The aim of this project is to evaluate resources required to run wr switch HDL on Xilinx Ultrascale+ FPGA (MPSoC XCZU11EG-1FFVC1156E)